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Morning Saliva for Eyes Dark Circles: A Natural Remedy?

Are you tired of constantly trying out different products and remedies to get rid of those pesky dark circles under your eyes? It's time to try something different and natural - morning saliva. That's right, your own saliva could be the answer to your dark circle woes. In this article, we'll discuss how and why morning saliva could be a natural remedy for dark circles under the eyes.

What are Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes are a common cosmetic concern for many people. They can be caused by various factors such as genetics, aging, lack of sleep, stress, allergies and even poor diet. Dark circles can make you look tired, older, and even unhealthy.

Can Morning Saliva Really Help with Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

Yes, it can. Saliva contains many beneficial properties that can help reduce dark circles under the eyes. Saliva is composed of enzymes, water, and various proteins that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. The enzymes and proteins in saliva can help reduce inflammation, which is one of the leading causes of dark circles under the eyes.

How to Use Morning Saliva for Eyes Dark Circles?

Using morning saliva for dark circles is easy. Follow these steps:

1. First thing in the morning, before brushing your teeth or eating anything, wash your face with water.

2. Gently massage the area under your eyes with your index finger. Make sure your hands are clean.

3. Use your tongue to collect saliva and then transfer it to your index finger.

4. Apply the saliva under your eyes and gently massage the area for a few minutes.

5. Leave the saliva on for about 10 minutes.

6. Rinse off the saliva with water.

7. You can apply your usual eye cream or moisturizer after rinsing off the saliva.

Repeat this process every morning for a few weeks and see the results.

Benefits of Using Morning Saliva for Eyes Dark Circles:

1. It's natural: Unlike many other remedies, using morning saliva is completely natural and doesn't contain any harsh chemicals.

2. Cost-effective: Using morning saliva is free of cost and doesn't require you to spend money on expensive products.

3. Convenient: You can use morning saliva anytime, anywhere. It's a quick and easy remedy that doesn't require any special equipment.

4. Anti-inflammatory: The anti-inflammatory properties of saliva can help reduce the swelling and puffiness under the eyes.

5. Antimicrobial: Saliva contains antimicrobial properties that can help kill bacteria and prevent infections.


Q: Can I use someone else's saliva?

A: No. It's not recommended to use someone else's saliva as it can cause infections and spread diseases.

Q: Can I use morning saliva for other skin issues?

A: Yes, you can. Saliva has many beneficial properties that can help with various skin issues such as acne, eczema, and dry skin.

Q: How long does it take to see results?

A: It depends on the severity of your dark circles. You may see results in a few days, or it may take a few weeks.


Morning saliva may seem like an unusual remedy, but it has been used for centuries in many cultures. Using morning saliva for dark circles is a natural, cost-effective, and convenient remedy that can provide many benefits. So, the next time you're struggling with dark circles, give morning saliva a try and see the results.



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